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Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer.
VVO Kleingedrucktes Anlage 7 Preistabelle englisch
… 27,90 20,90 7 days including 3 9 2 adjacent fare zones 31,10 41,40 validation date 3 9 1 fare zone + all bordering zones 62,10 46,60 9 VVO region 61,40 81,80 1,3 9 13 1 fare zone (outside Dresden… validation 9 13 VVO region 175,80 234,40 13 1,3 1 fare zone (outside Dresden) 58,40 9 o‘clock monthly ticket 13 fare zone Dresden 73,00 until same day of following month 3 13 2 adjacent fare zones 106,50…
VVO Broschuere VVO Tarif englisch
… ticket 9 fare zone Dresden 20,90 27,90 Telefon +49 3501 7111- 0 7 days including 3 9 up to date information on timetables and scheduled 2 adjacent fare zones 41,40 31,10 validation date Internet… zones 88,80 118,30 Telefon +49 35204 92154 of following month 3 9 13 1 fare zone + all bordering zones 133,00 177,40 The VVO offers reductions for children, pupils, students and from validation Internet…
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