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Die Suche ergab 9 Treffer.
5.VVO Fachtagung 2018 Reto Schmid FAIRTIQ
…, © FAIRTIQ AG, Bern 24. Mai 2018, © FAIRTIQ AG, Bern Viele neue Möglichkeiten im Pricing… Best-Price Capping-Modelle Mengenrabatte Luftlinientarife Km-Tarife Ultra-Kurz-Strecke MaaS Multimodalität Start… Verbund-Apps SBB Mobile 1.0 SBB Mobile Post Price Einschätzung heute: X.0 Apps Wettbewerb bleibt bestehen, Konsolidierung wird aber eintreten App-Konkurrenz 24. Mai 2018, © FAIRTIQ AG, Bern…
VVO Fachtagung 2017 Vortrag Jonna Poellaenen MaaS Global Ltd
… enough to provide a fixed price for public transportation? Would it be enough to provide a fixed price for car sharing services? NO MODE ALONE CAN COMPETE AGAINST CAR OWNERSHIP Car allows a certain…, 1-2 trips per and to visit her family. And for IKEA. month, average price 26,7 € (Espoo) A couple of times a month, after a night out in Helsinki, she takes a 28 € 6 731 € each year, taxi ride…
VVO Tarifzonen Elbfaehren
…/fare zone boundary Price rates are calculated on the number of zones travelled through. Haltestelle auf der Tarifzonengrenze Haltestelle mit Grenzraum (Mehr Infos: InfoHotline 0351/852 65 55) Stop on the…
VVO Broschuere VVO Tarif englisch
…Offers in the Valid from 1. April 2024 transport executive Tickets in the V VO Oberelbe Valid from 1. April 2024 THE PARTNERS IN THE VVO all prices in EUR, 2 nd class * VALIDITY SINGLE TICKETS DB… Mountains single tickets. They are available in several price categories. ONE TICKET. as well as the western part of the district of Bautzen. The price depends on the number of fare zones you are FOR…
VVO Fachtagung 2017 Vortrag Christian Fjaer RuterAS
…VVO Dresden May 4th 2017 Christian Fjaer – Ruter As – Oslo Manager new sales channels and payments Ruter and RuterBillett Our mobile ticket app Ruter As - PTA for the Norwegian Capital Region Norway Population 5,1 mill Gross domestic product per capita EU 190 % Unemployment rate 3 % Oslo + Akershus Population 1.250 000 2 counties 23 municipalities 7 price zones Ruter As - Funding Ticket revenues…
VVO Fachtagung 2017 Vortrag Thorsten Mueller Vogtland
… Kaufprozess • Best-Price-Funktion • Basis für Weiterentwicklungen (z.B. eTarife & CiBo/BiBo) • (Verursacher-) gerechte & transparente Einnahmezuscheidung • Senkung von Zugangsbarrieren im ÖPNV…
VVO Tarifzonen Grenzhaltestellen Grenzraum
…, Schletta, Schletta, Neusörnew. Weinböhla, 77 108 81 The price is calculated on the number of zones Leuben Leuben haus (404) 478 Bosch- Bootshaus. Bootshaus DD Flug- RE 1 Meila Meila 7 Kleinröhrsdo… Edle Krone 246 The price is calculated on the number of zones Alt-Rottw. Schule/Mitte (376) 614 209 209 + 202 Altrott- Altrott- 241 RE19, 348Kirche 202 201 201 204 Dohma Dohma F4/ F4/ 376 386 241,244…
VVO Navigator - Your mobility portal for Dresden and the region
… Welcome to Dresden and the Upper Elbe Region. Thank you for your interest in public transport. You can find all information on tickets, prices and schedules on this page. If you miss something please send us an email, as we are currently working on the last details. Your VVO – Public transport authority Upper Elbe Contact 0049 351 8526555 Tariff zone plan VVO tariff zones in detail Ideas for…
VVO Kleingedrucktes Anlage 7 Preistabelle englisch
…Offers in the Tickets in the V VO transport executive Oberelbe Valid from 1. August 2024 all prices in EUR, 2 nd class * VALIDITY SINGLE TICKETS 1 2 1 fare zone (outside Dresden), 2,00 3,00 Single ticket max. 1 hour 2 fare zone Dresden, max. 1 hour 2,10 3,20 2 2 fare zones, max. 1,5 hours 3,90 5,70 2 3 fare zones, max. 2 hours 5,80 8,60 2 VVO region, max. 4 hours 7,80 11,40 short trip 7,50 4-ride…
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